tennis ball

tennis ball

Sunday 4 June 2017

Happy return(s): Tennis Louis Lumière

I haven't blogged for ages, not because I haven't been playing tennis, but because I've been playing on the same courts over and over again - close to home or tried and tested. I've played at Louis Lumière before, but the court we played on today - number two - was so beautifully resurfaced and with such clear markings I felt it deserved an honourable mention. There are three courts here and numbers two and three are now of the same high standard, this is a huge improvement on a year or so ago when we found court three had huge potholes and a net held up by a stick! Court maintenance has been duly carried out although court number one is now very much the poor relation - take note when booking.
It was my birthday and the sun was out, none of us was in top sporting form having rolled in at 2am from a surprise party the night before. I was still suffering from the effects of one too many glasses of Champagne, but no matter - my partner was as keen as a ever for victory so the match was on. We've been playing on the worn out surfaces at Porte de Bagnolet of late - school playground standard with fading lines and sagging nets. The net at Louis Lumière had a few small holes, but it was the right height and was securely fixed at the bottom to resist any gusts of wind. The court surface was the best we've played on - smooth and newly painted with clearly visible lines (and no other markings - nothing worse than misjudging a lob because you're looking at the markings of the handball court).

My partner occupies the high ground
I'd like to say we did it justice, but my partner complained it was a lacklustre game in spite of our decisive win. I was just delighted to be playing on a such a great court and couldn't think of a better way to blow away my birthday hangover. It's a holiday weekend here so I'm enjoying a three day celebration - well four in fact as I have tickets for Roland Garros on Tuesday which will also be the perfect occasion to treat myself to some more new balls.

30 rue Louis Lumière
75020 Paris
Metro: Porte de Bagnolet