tennis ball

tennis ball

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Tennis Moureu-Baudricourt: A dazzling performance

Back to the concrete jungle around Place d'Italie for our game this morning. The architecture in that part of the city always makes me think of our years in East Berlin, but the French deserve some credit for including so many excellent sports facilities when they built their high-density housing projects and the Centre Sportif Charles Moureu has three indoor and three outdoor courts as well as four basketball courts and an athletics track. 

This is the third court we have played on in the area and the best of the three without a doubt. It was a longish and slightly confusing walk from the Metro, with plenty of opportunity to take the wrong fork in the road, but we arrived in good time to find our court and admire all the beauty that 60s and 70s town planning has to offer.
It was another gorgeous, sunny day so we were playing outside on court number three - and for the bargain price of €5.40. The surface was the classic concrete block construction, but the court surface was in excellent condition as was the net, with a towering umpire's chair making me think matches must be played here.

Two small gripes, there was a wall at the back of one of the baselines on our court which meant balls could easily rebound and roll underfoot. The other problem was the glass roof of the reception area which on a bright, sunny day reflected blinding flashes of sun right into the eyes of whoever was serving in that direction.
Court rating: 7/10 and on a cloudy day 8!

17 Avenue Edison
75013 Paris
An unusual window box near Place d'Italie

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