tennis ball

tennis ball

Sunday 28 February 2016

Jules Ladoumègue: It's not the Luxembourg Gardens!

The worst possible news this week - it is no longer possible to book a court at the Jardin du Luxembourg! The lease between the city of Paris and the Sénat has expired and the courts have reverted to the Ligue de Tennis de Paris (which no doubt will require that players demonstrate an official ranking - something all the tennis players at the English class I teach at school seem to have - and a medical certificate). I can't believe I cancelled the one and only booking I managed to snag at the Luxembourg courts last year in favour of a lie-in after a rather late night out. There is a lesson in there somewhere. As it is, I felt I was paying the price today when we played at Jules Ladoumègue in the 19th arrondissement for the second week in a row - there could hardly be a greater contrast between the social housing just across the Périphérique and the leafy Luxembourg Gardens in the swanky 6th arrondissement. It was my husband's choice - he was hoping to book a football pitch for our son's 13th birthday party next month, something which seems to be rather more complicated than booking a tennis court.

The main saving grace was that the weather was perishingly cold so I was at least grateful to be inside and we were at least on a different  court, at the other end of the aircraft hangar, for a new perspective.

Even inside it was freezing and we kept our tracksuits on throughout. We are not hardy souls, unlike my husband's colleagues at AFP's London office who are in training for the London West Tough Mudder and hope to raise £15,000 for charity along the way (see here). As my husband managed to strain a hamstring during our chilly hour on court (another excuse for losing) I think he can breathe a sigh of relief that he is safely ensconced in the Paris office offering support in the form of a donation rather than actually being required to take part.

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