tennis ball

tennis ball

Sunday 15 October 2017

Henry de Montherlant: Volley good game

The 16th arrondissement has a reputation for being stuffy. Its long avenues lined with elegant Hausmannian apartment blocks are the haunt of ancient Parisian pensioners with their pampered poodles and Hermès scarves. Several were in evidence today shuffling to lunch in their Sunday finest, dogs and dowagers greeting one another alike. But in the autumn sunlight the streets had never looked more inviting, the golden stone seemed to glow and I could easily imagine myself perched on one of the sun-soaked balconies soaking up the unseasonable October warmth and listening to the rustle of autumn leaves.
The 16th is on the opposite side of Paris to us - 9 o'clock to our 3 o'clock  - but nowhere is really very far away 'intra-muros' and even with a Metro change it took us less than 40 minutes to get there. Tennis Henry de Montherlant is a pleasant ten-minute stroll from the Rue de la Pompe metro through  hushed streets past grand houses and entrances and is situated next door to the monolithic Russian embassy on Boulevard Lannes.
We had played here once before, but I had forgotten quite how smart these public courts were - many of them newly re-surfaced.

We were round the corner on Court 2 surrounded by trees and overlooking the Bois de Boulogne. It's a leafy setting, but the court surface was poor - as if Courts 1 and 2 had been forgotten in the renovation and there were a few deep cracks and worn patches that I remembered from last time. It didn't put us off - the glorious weather was more than enough to compensate and at least the net was in a decent state. It seemed to inspire my net play after a bit of volley practice with my partner and we went on to triumph. A welcome return to form.

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