tennis ball

tennis ball

Sunday 7 June 2015

Tennis Reims - Asnières: Lawn tennis (I wish!)

I'm getting the hang of this tennis court booking lark! Earlier in the week it looked as if every court in Paris was booked up during the weekend, but a last minute attempt to find somewhere for a family four on Sunday revealed a court in the 17th arrondissement had suddenly come free (probably someone had decided to stay home and watch the Roland Garros final). I booked the slot at Tennis Reims-Asnières and then made a quick phone call to check it wasn't closed due to a strike. A good lesson in never giving up hope of finding a court - and it was a perfect day for tennis! We took the Metro to Porte de Champerret -  the 16-stop journey was much quicker than anticipated - and arrived in a part of Paris I've never visited before. The courts, like so many others, are on the edge of the city, but this part of Paris felt much leafier, and airier than many of its fringes and the sports centre here did not disappoint. There are nine courts in total and play was in full swing when we arrived, putting me in mind of Sunday afternoon at the tennis clubs of my youth. The green, astroturf surface could almost fool you into thinking you were playing on grass and it was certainly a very welcome sight on a warm afternoon.

I'd like to say our game rose to the occasion, but a late night celebrating my birthday the night before meant we were all rather tired and no-one was playing at their best. Still there is nothing like a game of doubles to blow away the cobwebs. The astroturf is not so bouncy as a hard court, but perfect for a gentle game of doubles when you don't have so much court to cover. The birds sang, the sun shone and we were home to see Wawrinka win the final.
9 out of 10 - we'll be back!
Tennis Reims-Asnières
34 Boulevard de Reims
75017 Paris

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